4: Setting goals and sports fandom

Thanks for listening!

Follow us on twitter @mind_lox and tweet at us with #mindlox. We'd love to answer questions and bring your thoughts on the air. Please give us a rating in iTunes!

(0:32) Segment 1 - New years goal setting, improvement, and the Jewish tradition

  • www.lifehacker.com
  • Tim Ferriss - Four Hour Chef - https://fourhourchef.com/

(13:07) The problem with acai and gogi berries, farming reference 1

(14:00) Tweet us your goals with #mindlox and @Mind_Lox

(14:33) Segment 2 - Sports fandom, healthy or no? How does Jewish peoplehood fit in?

(18:40) Sitting on a plane, farming reference 2

(21:48) Are there principles about sports fandom that apply elsewhere?

(23:10) Wait but Why? How do we look at Sports Fandom? Are there really parallels? http://waitbutwhy.com/2014/03/sports-fans-sports-fans.html

(24:55) Refuah Sleimah wishes to Derek Carr (@derekcarrqb)

(25:31) Segment 3 - Our Favorite media of the week

Thanks for listening!

We're grateful for the musicians who share their music!

  • Questing by Ari De Niro
  • Something Elated by Broke for Free
  • RSPN by Blank & Kytt
Jeremy Markiz